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Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

I'd like you to meet Tata

Saturday, 13rd October 2012 – Class 203 

My English class room yesterday was hot. The Air Conditioning was broken. My class moved to the class next to our class, 203. I didn’t feel comfortable. The class was narrow and the seat was limited. Therefore, we must pick a chair from our original class. 

In this meeting I got a new friend. I couldn’t remember his full name. But you could call him Tata. He’s amazing. He was a senior high school student in the last year. I impressed. What a boy! He’s the youngest in our class. 

The class was going so bored. I felt sleepy all the day. I thought it was because I didn’t move on like yesterday. I stuck in my seat. I stuck in my team. Roni, Tata, Misfa, and I were a team. We played all the games together. It should be fun if I played games with the others.

In this occasion, I’d like you to meet Tata. First time I entered the class, I thought I didn’t see him last week. I thought he is a new student. He introduced himself with a long name that I couldn’t remember anymore. But his nick name is Tata then.

Tata is a senior high school student. He’s seventeen years old now. He’s musician. He played keyboard. It’s amazing that a senior high school boy in CV3. Although, it was nice to see a new friend, I felt weird about this boy. He spoke all the day. He told us every topic of conversation today and added some of his knowledge while he told us. It’s fine if he just did it sometimes. But he did it all times. 

I remembered what a joke that he gave us yesterday. He said “You are engineer, right? So you must know about this. I have ‘PAPA=MAMA’. It is same, isn’t it?”. 

Misfa said something about it but his answer was wrong. Tata asked me then but I didn’t get what was he said. So he answered the quiz himself. “You know about P, pressure. P=F/A. so F=P.A. And you know Newton law. F=m.a. so PAPA=MAMA!” He told us patronizing. 

I used my perfection then. I disagreed with this joke. “Say, Tata. You should asked us ‘PAPA=mama’ instead of ‘PAPA=MAMA’. It’s different in physic if you use capital word of A (area) or a (acceleration). Unfortunately, you use all of capital alphabet” I told him. 

I also remembered Tata always say a word pessimist. It was bad habit. Then, I know that Tata showed us all his ability this day, but when he saw the other persons in our class was better. He changed to be pessimist then. 

If he read this blog, I would like to say this. “Say, Tata. Everyone had their own ability. Nobody was perfect. So, we must studied more from the other to make our best. We shouldn’t be pessimist. And if you had many abilities, you shouldn’t talk too much to make the other know about you. Just take it easy, and the others would know you’re amazing. Fortunately, you’re the youngest here. You have much more time to study. I hope you will be better tomorrow.”

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